The Tri-State Conference on Diversity & Inclusion will be held at Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, Ohio, on September 19, 2024.
Theme: A Call to Action: Navigating Higher Education
In order to make your conference experience the most beneficial, we would encourage you to observe the following:
Plan to stay for the entire conference. Each session offers valuable insight and information.
Be an active participant. Take part in each session you attend by sharing your unique perspective with others in the room.
Complete the conference evaluation form. Your feedback will be used to improve future conferences.
Please remember to turn off or silence your cell phone during session presentations.
Be sure to keep your numbered ticket for door prize drawings at the end of the day. You must be present to win.
You are encouraged to incorporate the insightful information garnered today in your daily lives and make a difference regarding this important initiative in the future. We hope this conference will leave you with a new perspective and source of inspiration. Thank you for joining us in this endeavor.
Conference Objectives:
During the conference, participants will:
Create an increased self-awareness about aspects of their culture.
Gain ideas for implementing new programs and initiatives through reflection on best practices from within academia.
Engage community partners and leverage resources.
Explore and identify personal and professional occasions in which unconscious bias is a barrier to diversity and inclusion objectives.
Who Should Attend:
Higher Education Professionals
Human Resources Professionals
Community Leaders
Health Care & Social Services Professionals
Non-Profit Executives
Hospitality Professionals
Business Owners
Students (Secondary & Post Secondary)
Government Representatives